S-4 changelog

Changes in S-4 OS v1.0.4

June 19 2024


  • An animation now indicates when the S-4 is busy
  • Update .zip file is now automatically removed after update
  • Encoders can now be used to navigate the sample and project browser
  • Both updates and factory sample packs can be installed from external USB drive


  • Fixed crashes when saving and loading projects
  • Fixed issue where old parameter ranges were used when loading projects created in previous firmware
  • Fixed an issue where free rates did not save in projects
  • Fixed an issue where audio config settings did not load correctly
  • Fixed an issue where parameter modes did not reset correctly when creating a new project
  • Fixed an issue where the firmware version was wrongly displayed in the system config
  • Turning an encoder in an empty folder in the sample or project folder no longer causes the S-4 to crash

S-4 OS v1.0.3 Hotfix

June 13 2024


  • TAPE: Fixed issue and issue caused by previous update, where Start and Length parameters did not load correctly.
  • TAPE: Fixed issue where GUI grid division did not update accordingly when loading project.

Changes in S-4 OS v1.0.2

June 5 2024


  • RING/VAST/RANDOM/WAVE. Lower rates for time-based parameters.
  • TAPE: The timeline now updates instantaneously when selecting a sample, so it is more apparent when longer samples are being loaded.
  • RANDOM: Improved Smoothing parameter. Values up to 70% now behave more like a glide.
  • VAST: Improved Damp and Spread behavior when Freeze is enabled.


  • TAPE: Length of loaded samples is increased to 6 minutes.
  • TAPE: When Tape is in Freeze mode, the playhead no longer moves forward when adjusting Start or Length. The playhead will resync when Freeze is disabled.
  • TAPE: Fixed a bug where Start and Length grid division was not linked.
  • VAST: Toggling Freeze no longer causes delay line to self-oscillate.
  • VAST: Damp no longer increases delay feedback
  • RANDOM/WAVE: Rates in Free are now independent from BPM.
  • RANDOM: Modulator no longer goes out of sync when changing rate.
  • RANDOM: Variation parameter now affects the last step of modulation.
  • Fixed USB audio in artefacts on ch. 5/6, 7/8, 9/10

Changes in S-4 OS v1.0.1

May 23, 2024


  • MOSAIC: Increased grain size


  • S-4 won’t turn on in some cases
  • TAPE: Recorded audio plays too fast
  • Crash when saving project with punctuation
  • Brightness adjusting wraps when pressing select or pressing encoder
  • Track inputs bleed

S-4 OS v1.0.0

April 28, 2024

  • Initial release